[Mobile Monday Bangalore] indian mobile sites/blogs/forums

ThiyagaRajan Maruthavanan
Fri Sep 29 19:18:17 IST 2006


   There aren't very many good sites,forums or  blogs that cover/track the
Indian mobile space particularly. The couple of sites that I know that does
some related post mobile are

  mobilepundit.com ( unarguably the best in the category)

 occassionally mobility topics are there at

  If you blog and write about mobile or read any blogs which specifically
cover the Indian mobile space then please let me know, (even if it is just a
rant about your mobile phone not working :)) I would like to build a list of
such which could act as a community based kind of collab filter for me to be
informed of the mobile space. And If there are quite large such number of
blogs then we could even setup an indian edition of carnival of mobilists.

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